Saturday, December 6, 2008

Top 5 Gary Busey Acronyms

1. Sober - Son Of a Bitch Everything's Real

2. Fear - False Evidence Appearing Real (what the hell does this mean?)

3. Light - Living In God's Heavenly Thoughts

4. Team - Together Everyone Achieves More

5. Failing - Finding An Important Lesson, Inviting Needed Growth

he really starts to lose it about a minute in.


jen said...

simply amazing

Clarke said...

thank you jenny.

Anonymous said...

on FEAR.

fear is really all about "our part" in it. if i'm scared of getting shot by a crazy friend of mine, that affects a few different things. my social instincts, my security instincts, my emotional instincts.

so... really, this crazy friend isn't going to shoot me. it is simply "false evidence appearing real," and therefore it affects a lot of my feelings, makes me worry, makes me frustrated. fear doesn't cause anything good (for the most part.)

and there, that's my explanation.

Anonymous said...

FEAR - Father Expects Awe (&)Reverence

Anonymous said...

FEAR - Father Expects Awe (&) Reverence See more at