Monday, October 27, 2008

Top 5 Halloween Candies I wish I were given as a kid

  1. Sour Patch Kids
  2. Gummy Bears
  3. Nerds
  4. AirHeads Xtreme Sour Belts
  5. Sweedish Fish


JDC said...

I have to agree with the swedish fish... and cinnamon bears. Jessica enlightened me and now there's no turning back.

another... BigKats. waaaay better than normal KitKats.

buzzyandzippy said...

I got a lot of crappy candy growing up in Wyoming. It seems I got lots of pennies and many were the Halloweens where I had to wear a heavy coat over my costume. But I have to say you have a pretty great top five. Anything but lots of those colored tootsie rolls, so cheap.

Unknown said...

the last time i went trick-or-treating i kept hoping they'd give me beer. that's when i realized it was time to stop.

BDM said...

i wish for swedish fish.