Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Top 5 most painful places I've had a zit

5) The inside of my right nostril. I thought my face was going to explode. it didnt. not my whole face anyway, just the eraser sized white head peeking out from my nostril.

4) The edge of my lip. I dont remember specifically when the last time I had one of these little buggers show up, but they're always an unwanted/ unwelcome guest.

3) The one under my mustache. not much i can do about this little asshole. hurts like hell and i cant even see it.

2) Inner thigh. I've had these immobilize me for days.

1) My eyelid. This was horrible. So horrible in fact that I had to lance it. Think about this for a second. I had an EYELASH follicle get infected so badly that I had to heat up a needle and jamb it into the thinnest piece of skin right next to my eye ball and squeeze an inordinate amount of puss out of it (where was it being stored? my eyelid is the thinnest part of my body). Good times.


JDC said...

5. eyebrow
4. elbow
3. knee
2. in the crevice between my cheek and right nostril.
1. dave purington's boil from not showering (scared of the all male dorm showers in young) on his right hip/ab-line [for those with anatomy knowledge... the inguinal fold]) it wasn't MY zit, but it hurt me to see it and to watch it ooze like 2 cups of sick sick pus.

Unknown said...

steph has a response that is so gross that i demand you delete anything she posts here.

Unknown said...

what?...I was only going to say, but have you ever had one in a hair follicle in your pubes? try lancing that one.

Clarke said...

oh man... i have had the pube zit. ugh... i dont want to think about it.

Unknown said...

that's hella gross you guAUAGAGHHGHGHGRGRGLLHUH!