Thursday, November 20, 2008

Top 5 unitentionally funny people

1) Mike Tyson

2) Gary Busey

3)Andy Ralph

4)George W. Bush (too soon? maybe in 50 years we can look back at this whole situation and slap a knee. or kick the dog. )

5)And finally to keep it republican: Sarah Palin.

i know, i know, there are hundreds and hundreds of these. feel free to help me out.


JDC said...

please please tell me you watch celebrity rehab... gary busey is seriously off his rocker.

catman said...

busey is the best for sure, but you can't leave out jeff conaway. 911!!!!!

Clarke said...

yeah dude busey is awesome on that show. i only saw it once, but he was driving a boat with the old drummer from guns and roses and flipped it. then the drummer started crying or something and Dr. Drew had to explain that Busey had massive brain damage (due to a partial labotomy from wrecking a motorcycle) that limited his ability to reason.

I like his ability to rattle off dates "Dec. 4th, 1988, I wrecked my bike and January 6th 1989, i came out my my coma and i had entered a spiritual realm..."