Friday, November 7, 2008

Top 5 Must Eats at Must Eat Places After the Bar

5. A corn dog and onion rings at the dodgy drive-in stand in east Oakland that George brings me to. On the occasions I've been, I have been both happy with my meal and also have feared for my life.

4. Lugsilog at Lourde's in National City. Be sure to bring a person of filipino heritage if you want prompt and expediant service. Also beware of skanky middle aged filipino women and black navy sailors.

3. A California Burrito at any Santana's Mexican Food locations. No explanation needed. Probably the best burrito I have ever had. Has been there for me when my ex-girlfriend's broke up with me.

2. Deep fried macaroni and cheese triangles at Holman's. One of Portland's don't sleep joints. It's the only place I know that has this. It's so good. But it's so bad because it's just down the street from my house.

1. Breakfast Burritos filled with hashbrown sticks at Del Taco. This has been a post-bar staple for me and my roommates for over 4 years. We have had many deep, endearing, drunken conversations in the del taco parking lot while chopping these bad boys down. It's more nostalgia than anything.

1 comment:

Elwyn said...

3&4 apply to me. I miss Santanas too.